Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Australian Anchor Cities Added

For my friends Down Under, I've recently added most major or significant cities in Australia. While this list is not complete, it will help Map Managers add locations around these cities.

If you know of any Anchor Cities to add to Mapicurious, send me an email.



Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Find a Map with Our Tag Cloud

There are so many ways to finds maps of interest on Mapicurious: you can search for maps, you can visit related maps to the map you are currently viewing, you can pick from a list of the most popular and newest maps, and you can search by map tags using the tag cloud at the bottom of the page.

To use the tag cloud, just click on a term. The term will take you to a list of maps with that specific tag.

The tags with the biggest lettering are what Mapicurious has the most of.

The color can indicate a new term on the tag cloud or a popular search done by other users.

I update these about once a month. Give it a try!



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Go to Garmin

One problem with the web is it typically doesn't do you much good in the car. This is definitely a problem for me, because I like to travel to places referenced on Mapicurious. (If you have found a way to use the Internet while driving, please let us know at Mapicurious.com - We will avoid you when we are on the road.)

I think I've found a compromise: I recently acquired a Garmin nuvi 650 (most any Garmin GPS that connects via USB to your computer will work), and I can now download points directly from Mapicurious to the Garmin.

This saves so much time!

Now I can appreciate the content of Mapicurious as Points of Interests while in the car.


No Locations Yet!

I've seen a handful of great idea maps, but no locations are visible. Don't let this happen to you!

If you have any trouble adding locations - let us know. We are more than happy to help. You never know, but you might have found a trouble spot on Mapicurious.
