Thursday, October 29, 2009

Step 3: Make your business show in Google Earth

Have you seen Google Earth?

Google Earth lets a user cruise in the air over the entire world seeing details such as terrain and 3D buildings. Many businesses have listings inside of Google Earth to help customers spot their locations.

And some others take extreme measures:

A few months ago I noticed a large bullseye on top of a building. If you guessed this was a Target retail store, then you get the prize. It probably cost them a substantial sum to paint that bullseye, but everyone will definitely know it houses a Target store.

You probably are not that lucky:

1. Your rooftop may be shared with other businesses.
2. Your rooftop may not be very big.
3. You may not be legally allowed to paint on top of the roof.
4. Your logo is not a bullseye.

So what could give you the same benefits with no cost?

Storing a file on your web server that essentially does the same. We've included the code to copy, change, and save on your on server. You may even place a link to it to help people spot you in Google Earth.

Below is KML or GML - the language of Google Earth:

Copy and paste the contents into a file labeled - YourBusinessName.kml

Look for the [square brackets]. Replace with your information. Remember to get rid of those square brackets when you are done.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<name>[The Name of Your Business]</name>
<Style id="sn_shopping">
<hotSpot x="0.5" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<Style id="sh_shopping">
<hotSpot x="0.5" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
<StyleMap id="msn_shopping">
<name>[The Name of Your Business]</name>
<longitude>[Enter your longitude value here. Probably negative if you are in the US.]</longitude>
<latitude>[Enter your latitude value here.]</latitude>
<coordinates>[Enter your longitude value here. Probably negative if you are in the US.],[Enter your latitude value here.],0</coordinates>

Where could you take this?

Think about expanding your location with a polygon to outline your property or space. Enhance by building a 3d storefront using Google SketchUp.



Monday, October 26, 2009

New Printable Maps at Mapicurious

Ever needed to print one of our maps, and take it with you on your travels?

We definitely wished we could print a neat map to help us find some of our historical points of interest among other locations.

So we built a printable map.

Find the "Print This Map" link on any map to get the printable view.

Check out a couple of examples:

Social Circle, GA
Battle of Antietam - USA Battle Markers Volume 1



New Twitter Integration at Mapicurious

We have two new ways to use Mapicurious together with Twitter:

1. Map makers can broadcast a link to their maps by using the Share on Twitter link. Mapicurious generates a standard update to Twitter that you can edit before updating your followers. Here's a sample:

Check out my map on Mapicurious: A Random Walk Around Rochester New York

2. Any map user can click the Share on Twitter link for each location. Mapicurious generates a standard update to Twitter that you can edit before updating your followers. Here's another sample:

Found @Mapicurious - Nick Tahou Hots II on map

So tweet away! And if you are not already following @mapicurious - here is your invitation.



Friday, October 23, 2009

Welcome to Mapicurious 1.5

We've updated our site to a version 1.5. We are slowly passing out updated credentials to our existing map makers.

