Monday, August 13, 2007

How easy can maps be to make?

That is a question I've tried to answer for years, and I'm not sure the map making process can be made any easier.

A Map Manager has to formulate an idea, gather the data, and present the data in the context of the map. Accuracy is most important, as I've "not been on a digitized route" many times on inaccurate maps.

The first step is to develop your content idea. Look to your hobbies, interests, and your travels for inspiration. If this is your first map create one about the area you live.

Otherwise pick a location, event, or theme to center your map around. Having a clearly focused map helps you organize and prioritize data. And now you need to collect your information.

Write a short description of the map topic. On Mapicurious you will want to use this as the Map Description. You might also think of keywords for your map, based on your description. This "tagging" helps other Mapicurious users find your map via search or via navigation links.

Happy mapping,


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